Arthritis Joint Pain Relief: Key Do’s and Don’ts

By Dr. Rakesh Aggarwal

Arthritis Joint Pain Relief

In a nutshell, Arthritis means inflammation of the joint (“arth” is joint & “itis” means inflammation). Most people when they think of arthritis only think of the osteoarthritis which happens because of wear and tear on the joints. In fact, there are over hundred different types of arthritis which can hit anyone from children to older adults

While arthritis commonly attack the joints, different types also cause musculoskeletal pain. Here are some types of arthritis that may be new to you: Juvenile arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,gout and osteoarthritis.

At AIM Ayurveda, we have created a specialized product that gives you tremendous relief from Arthritis - Joint Amrit Capsules and Oil, a scientifically proven one of the best ayurvedic medicine for joint pains.


Understanding the Basics

Controlling arthritis pain requires an ounce of prevention IT-blocks that starts with information and prevention. No matter the type of arthritis you have, following these basic principles can help you stay ahead of the discomfort:

Educate Yourself

Find out more about your particular type of arthritis, what its signs are, and whether any joints are involved.

Monitor Changes

Any changes in your pain, feelings, or sensations should be reported to the doctor soon.

Seek Support

Your doctor, family and friends can help you in managing pain to some extent. They can help in many ways and just the encouragement one needs to push forward.

Incorporating Healthy Daily Habits

Appropriate coordination of tasks during the day can make a lot of difference in joint health. Whether you’re sitting, standing, or moving, these habits can help:


Keep Joints Active

Make simple stretching exercises which require the joint to be flexed to its maximum capacity on a regular basis.

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Maintain Good Posture

Sure, speak with a physical therapist about postures that are helpful to avoid putting more stress on the joints than is necessary.

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Balance Activity and Rest

Avoid overexertion. Make sure you listen to your body, and if you are tired, lie down.

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Lifestyle changes can also play a crucial role in reducing arthritis pain

Manage Your Weight

Obesity is the worsening factor of arthritis, as this condition puts extra pressure on your joints. Set the pace for slow but sure weight loss, or, in other words, do not try to shift a few pounds within a week but gradually make the necessary changes in daily eating habits and physical activity.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can harm connective tissues, leading to increased pain and further complications.

The Role of Exercise in Arthritis Management

The most essential component of managing arthritis pain is to remain active. To relieve stiffness, allow better movement in joints, build muscle strength around the joint, and improve endurance.


Activities to Embrace

Opt for different exercises that engage muscles around the joints without incurring pain to them. The various exercises include a physiotherapist or occupational therapist shall work with you to design an individualized exercise routine.

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One kind of exercise improves flexibility and loosens stiff areas.

Strength Training

Progressively advanced strength training pushes a weakness-strengthening advantage over time.

Low-Impact Aerobic Activities

Walking, cycling, and water-based exercises are great at elevating mood, boosting stamina, and managing weight.

Activities to Avoid

About these few activities that can increase your painful arthritis, it is advisable to avoid these:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • High-impact aerobics
  • Repetitive motions, such as the repeated tennis serve

Final Thoughts

Expressly, the dual role of education and lifestyle adjustment with the appropriate blend of physical activity proves sufficient for the management of arthritis pain. Your bringer may be a health care provider or a therapist to develop a plan best suited to your individual needs. With discipline and wise decisions, you can reclaim your arthritis symptoms for a much more active and fulfilling life.

At AIM Ayurveda, we have created a specialised product that gives you tremendous relief from Arthritis - Joint Amrit Capsules and Oil, a scientifically proven one of the best ayurvedic medicines for joint pains.


What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) (Ama Vata)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a form of arthritis which has inflammation in the lining of the joints (synovium) and at times in internal organs. This inflammation separates Rheumatoid arthritis from the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect any joint with synovium, especially in the hands, feet, knees, shoulders, & hips. The course of Rheumatoid arthritis is variable and unpredictable with damage occurring to joint cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and bone.

What are the signs and symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)[amavata]?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease distinguished from other types of arthritis by the pattern of joints involved. Inflammation from RA causes pain, stiffness, swelling, warmth, redness, loss of function in joints. aff Rheumatoid arthritis acts the wrist joint and many of the hand joints, but usually not the joints that are closest to the fingernails. Other joints that may be affected by RA include elbows, shoulders, neck, jaw, hips, knees, ankles & feet. Other than the neck, the spine is usually not directly affected by RA. Rheumatoid arthritis. is often associated with delayed morning stiffness and fatigue later in the day. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to persist over prolonged periods of time, & the inflamed joints eventually can become damaged with the development of joint deformities or contractures. The way Rheumatoid arthritis acts will vary from person to person. In some people the disease will be mild with periods of activity (aggravation joint inflammation) called "flares." In other cases, the disease will be continuously active and get worse over time. Ayurveda terms RA as “Amavata”, meaning exacerbation of the Ama toxins as well as Vata doshas in the body, characterized by “Sandhi Shula” implying joint pain, “Sandhi Shotha” i.e. joint swelling and “Stabdhata” which translates to stiffness in joints.

What are the causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) [amavata]?

The cause of Rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. Anyone can get rheumatoid arthritis, including children & the elderly. However, the disease usually begins in the young to middle adult years. Some people may inherit a tendency to develop RA.

What is Gout (Vaat-rakta)?

It is a condition in which abnormally high levels of uric acid occur in the blood which can cause frequent attacks of joint inflammation (arthritis), deposits of hard lumps of uric acid in & around the joints, & decreased kidney function and kidney stones.When you have arthritis, eating healthy can help. Healthy food choices and physical activity can help you lose weight, which is important if you have arthritis in your weight bearing joints (knees, hips, spine and feet).

What is Osteoarthritis (sandhivata)?

Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease of joints progressive in nature and characterized by pain, stiffness,& limited range of motion. It usually begins as a result of the ageing process, i.e. wear & tear of the joints during the later part of life. Among over 100 different types of arthritic conditions, osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint problem.